Dirt Church Radio feat. RunnersNZ

EPISODE 255 – CARLY WEBBER FROM RUNNERSNZ : THE WHY plus an extra ‘marathon’ of musings and memories.


Being asked to chat to the Dirt Church Radio team for a podcast was met with excitement, but also some reservations. I don’t count myself as an impressive runner – I do love it, but as far as skill sets go, I am far more suited to having a camera in my hands. And with reoccurring injuries, that tends to be what happens.

In fact, that is exactly how the RunnersNZ project started in 2019. Nursing a torn hamstring, I picked up the camera and asked myself the question; how can I be involved in running, even when I’m not?

The answer was to start a ‘Humans of New York’ style project, mashing my love of photography and meeting people into a series of runner portraits and asking them the simple question “why do you run?”

I say it often – no people, no project! The runners we have met over the last 4 years are absolute champions! The project is what it is because of them, and we are better people for having met them!

Thank you EVERYONE we have met to date, you are this project, you are what makes it awesome!

He aha te mea nui? Māku e kii atu, he tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata. What is the most important thing in the world? Let me tell you, it is people, it is people, it is people.

My “Greatest Run Ever”. As disappointing as my answer to this was, my personal run journey has been fraught with injury breaks and discomfort, and I sincerely don’t think I’ve had anything close to being worthy of this title. Do hikes qualify? I feel like any adventure or mission where no running took place, does not. Otherwise I could perhaps name a few.

Not to be disheartened… maybe the best thing I’ve ever done in running, is this project…. maybe RunnersNZ is my ‘Greatest Run-Thing Ever’.

Cheers for listening team!


Kia ora e te whānau. What’s your why? Have you thought about it? Like, really thought about why you run? Carly Webber and her husband Lee spent three years travelling in a camper-van with their three children before settling in Te Anau 18 months ago. Carly started running six years ago to have control over her life and to spend time investing in herself and her relationships. Keen to share a story and very keen on capturing people’s portraits, Carly started Runners NZ in the vein of Humans of New York. People captured in their running gear, and their why. Carly is 150ft tall and this conversation covers multiple topics from Carly’s history with running, mental health, to living in Te Anau and being on the Kepler Committee. What is most obvious, apart from the fact that old mate has legendary chat, is Carly’s deep love of connection to the trails and the people who run them. A messenger more concerned with the message itself, this is a wee ripper of a yarn with a really good sort. If you love the trails, and the people who love them, then you’ll enjoy this. Best Enjoyed Running.🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲

Links :
Check out all of the amazing podcasts episodes & guests by Dirt Church Radio here
Read the RunnersNZ Project stories here
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