Luxmore with Joe, Sean & Stephen

Meeting the Wellington trio of Joe, Sean and Stephen in the early morning frost on the Kepler Track, as part of their mission to complete 3 Great Walks in a single week.

A few months ago Wellington runner Joe Benbow aka @infinity_runner_ started putting together the idea of a ‘Fiordland Runcation’, ticking off 3 Great Walks in a single week with his mates Sean and Stephen. The Routeburn, Kepler and Milford; three epic ultra length adventures, three glorious scenic locations.

Joe generously opened the Milford mission up for others to join in, making the most of the somewhat difficult logistics of boats and vehicle relocations. Sharing this adventure with a larger group also meant being able to charter the later than usual boats to get the runners off of the track at the Glade Wharf end. We had plans to join him in this one too, but sadly couldn’t squeeze it into the calendar between other commitments. Still, not wanting to miss this opportunity completely, I joined the group for the pre-Milford dinner and suggested to Joe I rendezvous with him Sean and Stephen when they do the Kepler Track.

On the morning of the Kepler, lugging my big camera and utterly intimidated by the capable pace of the trio, I arranged to link up with them post ‘Grunt’ – somewhere near the tree line and to follow them for a short way across the open tops. We are confident there will be snow between the bush and Luxmore Hut, making for some amazing photos, and rewarding my effort of bringing the DSLR.

Setting off for my head start in the dark, dressed in three layers of thermals and worried I’d be caught too quickly, I set a good pace and managed to reach the top with 15 minutes to spare. The early arrival after a sweaty climb meant a frightfully brisk wait, so I jogged out and back on the track admiring the surroundings, recceing the trail and making mental notes of ideal photo spots.

What a place to meet!! No show on this section of trail exactly, but blue skies above, snow capped peaks in the distance, frosted fauna and fresh ice on the ground. With 360 degree views of the most stunning landscapes, and in the most amazing morning light, it was well worth the journey. As I jogged back toward the trees and our meetup point, it was Sean in his bright yellow jacket I spotted first, followed closely by Joe.

Stephen, a wee way back caught up in taking photos, arrives eventually… wearing two completely different shoes. I ask about them and am met with roars of laughter from Joe and Sean. I never got the real reason for it, but as he’s made it this far I’m sure it’ll be fine and make for a great story afterwards.

The lads are absolutely fizzing and despite the cold, they down their gear and take a few moments to ‘pose’ for photos against the backdrop of Mt Luxmore and the Murchison Mountain range.

I take some solo shots of each of them for the RunnersNZ project, Joe, Sean and Stephen all kind enough in agreeing to write and share a story on the project. Later of course. It looks warm, but it’s absolutely freezing and after just a few minutes it’s time to get moving again.

I do a little extra before turning back and returning the way I came. They go on to complete the 62km Kepler Challenge loop; the mis-matched shoes making it the entire way… Seans poles I hear were not so lucky.

Sean Martin #192
Joe Benbow #193 R.I.P
Stephen Molineux #194

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