‘Cheeky Kepler’ Group Run – 27 Oct. 2024


WHEN : Sunday, 27th October 2024

WHERE : Kepler Track, Fiordland National Park.

We are in the process of organising a Group Trail Run on the Kepler Track with some short-cuts and mixed distance options.

Full Track Distance : 60 km loop, 2080m Elevation.

Option 1 : Start at the Kepler Carpark (5min. Drive from Te Anau town Centre) and run the full Kepler Challenge course, including Luxmore Hut & possible side mission to the Summit, the alpine crossing, down into Iris Burn Shelter, through the forest and wetlands to Rainbow Reach, and then along the River Terrace to complete the loop at the Control Gates. Finish where you started at the Kepler carpark. 60km total.

Option 2 : Start at the Kepler Carpark (5min. Drive from Te Anau town Centre) and run the Kepler Track; including including Luxmore Hut & side mission to the Summit, the alpine crossing, down into Iris Burn Shelter, through the forest and wetlands to Rainbow Reach. Exit the track at the Rainbow Reach swing-bridge and carpark and get transport back to the Kepler carpark (10min drive). 50km total.

Option 3 : Skip the Luxmore ‘Grunt’ section and first 13km of the Kepler track by catching a Heli-flight to the Luxmore Hut (weather permitting and requires min. 6 people per flight). Save your legs 1080m worth of elevation and crack on from the Hut to Luxmore Summit. The run includes the picturesque Luxmore Summit and alpine crossing, followed by forest switchbacks down into the Iris Burn Shelter. From Iris Burn it is 20km of beautiful undulating trail to exit the track at the Rainbow Reach swing-bridge and carpark and get transport back to the Kepler carpark (10min drive). 37km total.

Option 4 : For partners/supporters, catch a Heli-flight to the Luxmore Hut then run or hike with the group to the Summit and/or ridge-line to experience the picturesque alpine crossing, before doing a u-turn and heading back down to Brod Bay. There you can water taxi back to town or continue out to the Control Gates and Kepler carpark. Varies 16-20km.

Costs : Runners are responsible for their own organisation and costs of getting to and staying in Te Anau, Fiordland (eg. travel, accommodation, food, run gear etc). The cost for a shared helicopter flight with Southern Lakes Helicopters (SLH), from Te Anau straight to Luxmore Hut, is $175.00, including GST and all landing fees, per person. Max 12 pax / 2 flights and all money is to be paid directly to SLH. Other costs may included vehicle transfers and a group dinner (TBC). We’ll help with local information, organise and facilitate the booking of any shared elements of the Trail Run, and plan & coordinate group comms, timings and logistics only. There is no cost payable for joining the Group Run itself. Refunds and/or cancellations of any costs are dependant on any third party company T&C’s.

Kepler Track Information via Department of Conservation

Interested? If you are keen to join and share the logistics for a Fiordland group mission during the 2024/25 Great Walk Season send us an email to be added to the contact list or subscribe to the newsletter. For group comms and planning we use WhatsApp.

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