Run Streaking


On February 1st, 2022, inspired by our good friend and Taranaki runner Erin Vaughan, our ten year old son Nathan (right) started a run streak. More than two years on, he’s 900+ days in, got his name on the Streak Runners International Inc. Register, and still going strong…

‘Streaking’ has been a big part of our running journey and is a challenge more difficult than you think; but done wisely, it’s fun, achievable and hugely rewarding! Now Dad/Lee streaks too, and more and more friends have been inspired to see just how long they can go.

Are you a streaker? New, experienced or just curious? Read on…

What is a Running Streak?

The official definition of a running streak, as adopted by the Streak Runners International, Inc., and United States Running Streak Association, Inc., is to run at least one mile (1.61 kilometres) within each calendar day. Running may occur on either the roads, a track, over hill and dale, or on a treadmill.

Run Streak Tips & Stats.

Benefits of the Run Streak

A running streak can be a fun challenge, one that can also have a huge impact on fitness, so long as training is properly structured.
3 major benefits of streaking:
– Develops routine & consistency
– Aids with injury prevention
– Strengthens mindset


Committing to a run streak requires dedication, drive, and some time management skills! Streaking can help you stay motivated and encourage you to get moving!

“Through weather, injury, illness, and life events, we run everyday.”

Is streaking good for your body?

Running too much can have adverse effects on the body – you need rest to recover. If you’re running every day, it is still possible to maintain a streak, just keep it real slow and short (1 mile) on those rest days.

Read this Run Streak guide >>

Active NZ Streaks registered with Streak Runners International Inc.

Currently there are just 31 Active Streaks registered with SRI from New Zealand. To be eligible to join SRI and be listed on this register, your run streak must be at least 365 days.

Longest streak recorded on SRI
(Retired or Active)

Jon Sutherland
20,174 days

(55.23 years)

Number of days to have a Run Streak recognised on MoveNation

To be eligible to have your run streak recognised on our MoveNation register, you must meet the criteria of being a NZ resident, and have #RunEveryDay for at least 28 days.

MoveNation Run Streakers

Join the MoveNation Run Streakers!

If you’ve started a run streak and have made it past your first month (28 days), we’d love to add your name and details to our NZ Streakers Register and celebrate your efforts. Contact us to share your streak story!

T&C : official definition and qualification of a running streak for MoveNation NZ is to run
at least one mile (1.61 kilometres) within each calendar day. Running may occur on either the roads,
a track, over hill and dale, or on a treadmill. Run/Walk method is also accepted.
Runners agree to accept responsibility for contacting MoveNation NZ when a streak has retired.